English - Writing
Please click here to view our writing progression document.
At Glenleigh Park we believe that a quality literacy curriculum promotes and encourages a love of reading, writing and discussion around quality texts.
Pupils will leave Glenleigh with the ability to write for a range of different purposes, be able to write with grammatical accuracy and leave with an experience of a wide range of texts and authors. Alongside this, they will develop their reading, listening and speaking skills.
Our English curriculum units start with a high quality text from a range of talented authors. Texts are carefully mapped across the year groups to ensure progression and coverage. We use these texts as a basis for discussion and analysis before applying what we have seen and discussed in our own writing. Children are given the opportunity to write every day to develop and refine their skills. Using our writing progression document we ensure that children are taught all the necessary skills to meet the National Curriculum requirements.
We aim to expose the children to a diverse range of vocabulary, as we make sure that we teach the skills to clarify and deconstruct words that they don’t already know; using suffixes, prefixes and root words.
The children are introduced to a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts throughout their time at Glenleigh to ensure that children can write in a range of styles and for a range of purposes; equipping them with skills they will need in the real world.
We recognise that each child has their own starting point upon entry to every year group and progress is measured in line with these starting points to ensure every child can celebrate growth and achievement. Lessons are carefully planned and scaffolded to meet the needs of all individuals.