Lunch Menus
Lunchtime at Glenleigh Park
At Glenleigh Park, we believe that a healthy, nutritious lunch is key to helping children learn; full, happy tummies support children’s concentration and focus in their afternoon lessons. Aspens Caterers provide delicious hot school meals and puddings every day. Our menus offer a good selection of lunch options to choose from and we can also cater for various dietary needs and allergies – please just let the school office know of your child’s requirements.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school lunch every day and will automatically be signed up for one each day. Our Teaching Assistants and Midday Supervisors support the children at lunchtime and will encourage them to eat their lunch; parents are often surprised by the foods that their child will try when at school! Whilst we do not report each day how much your child has eaten, if we are concerned that they are not eating enough, we will let you know and it may be that your child would prefer a packed lunch from home. Some children choose to ‘mix and match’ school lunches and packed lunches from home.
Children in Years 3 to 6 can also have a school lunch every day. This may continue to be free if your child is entitled to eligibility based Free School Meals. You can find out if your child is eligible and apply online via:
Children are also provided with a piece of fruit each day, as their mid-morning snack and this is also free of charge. Children need to bring a water bottle with them to school each day and will be encouraged to stay hydrated and refill it throughout the day. You can also sign up for Cool Milk via: which is free for under 5s, or subsidised for over 5s.
Weekly Dinner Menus (2024-2025)
Information from Aspens Caterers
Pupils can choose from a choice of the daily main meal, including a vegetarian option.
The cost of a school meal is £2.60 payable in advance by Arbor Pay. Please ask at the School Office for your logon details.
All children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are eligible for free school meals.
Free School Dinners - Who is entitled?
Free school meals need to be applied for at ESCC (please see above for how to apply).
Free school meals can be given if you fall into one of the following categories:
•You receive Income Support
•You receive Job Seeker’s Allowance (income-based)
•You receive Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
•You get support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
•You receive the guarantee credit element of Pension Credit
•You are entitled to Child Tax credit, you do not get Working Tax Credit and your family’s annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) is not more than £16,190. Anyone receiving Working Tax Credit is not entitled to free school meals regardless of their income unless you have become unemployed in which case free meals can be granted for a four week period only.