Head’s Update
Welcome from Headteacher
Hello and welcome to Glenleigh Park. My name is Laylee Pocock and I am fortunate to be head of this superb school.
At Glenleigh Park we believe every child has the right to learn, the right to feel safe and the right to feel good about themselves. We ensure this happens by promoting the schools four key values, Growth, Positivity, Perseverance and Achievement as we know that in order for children to achieve personal growth they need a positive mindset which will enable them to persevere and achieve - not only academically but achievement in all their goals.
Reading, writing and maths are important curriculum focuses for us, and we have dedicated time in the morning to these lessons. However, we also provide a rich and full curriculum in the afternoons that motivates the children to be scientists, historians, geographers, artists and athletes. Our broad programme of study offers all the children the opportunity to develop their skills across the primary curriculum.
Glenleigh Park is a welcoming and friendly school, we believe that all children can achieve and we build on children's strength and interests so we can prepare them for the next step in their educational journey.
Mrs Pocock