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At Glenleigh Park we want our children to experience a wide range of sports and other physical activities during the time they spend with us. These opportunities will be present from Reception right up until Year 6, with each child having the chance to develop a wide range of skills. Our curriculum has been purposefully designed so that the skills learned in Reception will be gradually built upon each year in a wide range of contexts, giving each child the opportunity to develop their versatility and resilience.
The teaching of P.E at Glenleigh Park is focused around five key concepts; leadership, skill, health and fitness, logical thinking and reflection, each of which are present in the values taught in P.E throughout the school. The purpose of our P.E curriculum being centered around these areas is to provide a foundation that helps each child to utilise these skills as they grow and develop beyond their time at Glenleigh Park. Not only will these skills benefit the children in all aspects of P.E, but we also feel that these are skills that can be applied throughout life, underpinned by our school values of growth, positivity, perseverance and achievement. Sport and physical activity require a certain degree of skill, without doubt a fundamental ingredient for success in sport. Along with this though requires leadership and a hard working attitude, values that we wish to promote in P.E along with all other areas of school and later life.
At Glenleigh Park we offer our children a vast number of different sports and physical activities, teaching transferrable skills that can intertwine between each area of P.E. Moreover, this spectrum of opportunity allows our children to experience and enjoy areas of sport and other physical activities that they may have not been previously aware of. Similarly, it can also allow for the children to discover hidden talents they would not have had the chance to recognise; talents that they can competitively showcase within school as well as external competitions.
Without question, the wellbeing of every child is a key focus here at Glenleigh Park; an aspect of children’s development that has a series of key links with physical education. Exercise is one key element that has a significant impact upon wellbeing, with the government recommending that each child partakes in thirty minutes of physical activity each day as part of a healthy lifestyle. As a result, we aim to give children the opportunity to do this in our P.E lessons, break times, during after school clubs and taking advantage of the Golden Mile track at varying intervals throughout the day. Not only do we aim to give each child the chance to engage in regular exercise, but they are also taught about why this exercise in coherence with a balanced diet is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.
As highlighted, following the National Curriculum for P.E ensures that our children are given ample opportunities to do the following:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
In turn, we aim to provide a thoroughly enjoyable standard of physical education that promotes the five key concepts discussed, along with the wide range of P.E opportunities that our children deserve.