Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to my first heads update for this academic year.
I would like to start by saying a huge well done to all the children, for many of them Monday was the first time they had been in school since the end of March, and to say they have coped fantastically is an understatement. The classrooms have been a hive of activity and the children have been remarkable in the way they have settled back into the school routines and expectations. Adjusting to the new procedures for lunchtimes, playtimes and the start and end of the day seems to have been amazingly straightforward for the children; they have calmly and sensibly entered the school and made everyone at school very proud, demonstrating such remarkable resilience to the current circumstances.
Also, I would like to thank all the parents who have supported the end and start time arrangements. I am aware that some of the gates are busy; I really appreciate that so many of you are social distancing and leaving the gates promptly once you have seen your child safely through the gates. Please be reassured we are constantly reviewing our arrangements and we are following all the guidance from the DfE to ensure we are prioritising the safety of all the school community.
On Monday, we welcome both our nursery and reception children into school, with these children being so very young and this being their first time at the school, we have made the decision to allow only the parents of these children to enter the main gates, where members of staff will be available to ensure the safe handover of the children. If you are a parent, of a child in one of these classes you will receive a letter that explains the arrangements in more details.
Hopefully, the children have told you all about the learning and wonderful work they have completed this week. My thanks to all of the children and staff for their dedication and focus.
In Year 1, the children have been looking at the history of toys, running the golden mile and using manipulatives to help their place value understanding.
Mrs Russell and Mrs Sinfield asked the children how they felt about being back at school and the children said:
“I was a bit nervous, but when I got to year one it was good.” Benny
“I feel good because I like it.” Tyler
“My heart is happy because my heart likes you.” Frankie.
“I feel happy because I missed school.” Bella
In Year 2, the children have thought about wellbeing and recapped some learning on the different areas of the brain. They read the Lenny and Lily story about returning to school and created a stick person to share their thoughts and feelings.
Mrs Blake and Miss Pierce asked the children how they felt about being back at school and the children said:
“It’s been a really good week” Amber Mae
“I have enjoyed being back because my friends are too and I can play with them” Oakley
“I have really enjoyed writing” Tuleah
In Year 3, the children have begun their Stone Age topic by creating cave paintings using pastels, the children drew animal outlines as this was thought to bring good fortune when hunting back in this period.
Mr Marchant and Mr Wheeler have said that the children have settle brilliantly into KS2.
Isaac said, “I am very happy to be back at school because I love seeing my friends and my new teacher.”
Elise said, “It is really fun to be back learning interesting things.”
In Year 4, Miss Sargeant and Miss Saunders shared that they have had a fantastic week. All the children have settled excellently and have been doing some brilliant learning. They are all excited about their first Learning Journey – Walk like an Egyptian. In Maths, they have looked at place value and used base 10 to support us.
“I have been excited to be back to school learning.” Willow.
“I have loved the tricky year 4 maths challenges.” Dexter.
In Year 5, Mr Hare and Miss Cross shared that children from both classes have been particularly excited about their history topic, ‘We’ll Meet Again’. They already have some experts in the classes and have loved sharing their knowledge with the other children. Some children even have relatives who they have been able to interview to find out first-hand information from the time.
Birch class have been looking at features of descriptive writing, exploring techniques to make it more sophisticated and impressive! This has included similes and personification.
In maths each class has begun to explore place value, showing an impressive understanding of last year’s learning. They have confidently tackled bigger numbers and answered a number of challenging problem-solving tasks.
In year 6, they have completed their pop quiz on Ancient Greece and are fully engrossed in the hilarious bestselling ‘Who let the Gods’ out by Maz Evans.
The children have said:
“The changes were a bit weird at first but it means we can be safely back in school learning and playing with our friends. I’ve loved seeing everybody again! I’m also so happy I can use the library again.” Molly
“Being back in school means I can see my friends again. Lockdown was getting boring so I’m glad to be back.” Summer
“I’ve been writing a lot of stories over lockdown. I can’t wait to write stories in English (lessons) again!” Ava
Thank you again for helping us make the return to school a positive experience for the children. I hope you have a lovely weekend and the children have a well-deserved rest.