Dear Parents and Carers
On Monday, the children who attend running club were delighted to be joined by a GB athlete Elsie Lovell. Elsie talked to the children about the different events she has participated in, including competing for Great Britain. She then organised a series of enjoyable and engaging activities focusing on good running techniques - the children explored the importance of how they use their arms while running to increase speed and ability as well as how to effectively start a race. As you can see from my headline photos – everyone had lots of fun.
I hope that everyone received the letter this week about the launch of our online reading programme MyOn. MyOn is a digital library with hundreds of eBooks for children to choose from. The children will be assigned different texts that link with the year groups learning journeys, so please encourage your child to read these.
Finally, you will have received a letter today about how important it is for all pupils to attend school everyday. We have had two years of disruption to our children's education so it is vital that children are in school on time and attending everyday. If you need any support with getting you child to school please speak to the main office or their class teacher.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Pocock