Dear Parents and Carers,
Glenleigh Park has been very busy this week! Pupils have shown such resilience and perseverance in class and the teachers have been super impressed with their eagerness to learn and adapt to new routines.
In my assembly on Monday, I shared the importance of perseverance; we discussed the incredible achievements of Emma Raducanu it has been lovely to hear and see the children thinking about this in their learning and friendships this week.
Today was a very special day for our reception children, as they had their first full day. It was delightful to see their smiley happy faces and we are all very impressed with how well they have settled into school. They are building new friendships and learning new routines beautifully. Thank you to the parents in reception for your support and encouragement, it has been gratefully received.
In all the classes this week, I have been impressed by the amount of work the children have been producing, there has been a theme of place value in maths and in reading the children have been discussing effective reading behaviours. Throughout the school, the children have been thinking about their new learning journeys and working on developing their research and enquiry skills.
My headline photos show our year 1 children learning 'one more and one less' through our maths mastery approach. Mrs Briggs and Poppies class have discovered lots of different ways to represent the numbers.
Finally, thank you to all of you for continuing to helping us keep the school safe for all pupils.
Have a good weekend
Mrs Pocock