Dear Parents and Carers
I would like to start by saying thank you for your support during this very challenging and uncertain time. I hope you all received my email this morning and have shared this with your children.
Although we are closed, we have managed to support families of keyworkers and those that are vulnerable. We will continue to do our best at limiting contact with pupils and staff and I am very grateful that many of you have organised alternative childcare provision for your child/children.
To support the government’s decision to enforce social distancing, we have made the decision to provide home learning only via email or through the online programmes we have shared with you, DB Primary, MyMaths etc. We feel this is the best way to support pupils and parents for now.
As we have previously communicated, with a diminished staff team we are unable to answer phone enquires, so please only contact the school via email.
Please use glpaoffice@auroraacademies.org if you need to contact us.
Many thanks and keep safe.
Mrs Pocock
Head of School