Welcome to this week’s update, I hope you are well.
It has been a very quiet week in school with the closure of our reception, year 1 and year 2 classes. The decision to close the bubbles is not one we take lightly and, as always, every decision we make is taken in line with guidance published by the Department of Education and Public Health England (PHE). We have really missed all the children’s smiley happy faces and we are looking forward to welcoming the pupils back to school next week.
In year 6 this week, some of the children were able to welcome John Khan to visit (social distancing measure were strictly adhered too!) who delivered some excellent transition activities with the children. John encouraged the children to reflect on their time at Glenleigh Park, thinking about the parts they have enjoyed, the parts they will miss and the parts they may not miss. The activities provided the children with an opportunity to discuss what they are excited and worried about ahead of their new adventures at secondary school. Alongside this, John modelled and taught the children how to produce some fantastic graffiti artwork, which you can see in the headline photos.
Year 5 have been working hard on developing their knowledge of fractions. On Monday, Ms Barnard and I had the pleasure of working in Sycamore class; we were super impressed by the level of engagement in their maths mastery lesson. Mastering maths means pupils are acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and transferable understanding of maths so they can apply their knowledge across the curriculum. Miss Sargent, one of our maths leads, has been working with the children and staff across key stage 2 to enhance their knowledge of mastery maths – well done everyone.
Our plans for pupils to meet their new teacher are under way, we are hopeful that nearer to the end of term we will be able to organise a moving up afternoon. Teachers are currently writing the children’s end of year reports and will be delighted when they can share them with you.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff for their commitment and dedication; I am grateful for their continued enthusiasm and teamwork.
Have a wonderful weekend, lets hope the England football team can bring a smile to all our faces with a win on Saturday!
Mrs Pocock