Welcome to my weekly heads update.
With only 22 sleeps until Christmas, I wanted to share that the Glenleigh Park front entrance has become very festive. As you can see from my headline photo, all the children’s hard work has resulted in our tree looking super sparkly and splendid. Some of our year 3 pupils are smiling proudly in this photo, as they told me their job had been to make the school shine – and they definitely succeeded!
Although we are beginning to see signs of Christmas in the school, teaching and learning remains as strong as ever with all the children working hard and focusing on their learning. In year 2 this week, our children have been using their phonics knowledge to tackle the phonics screening test and we have been very impressed with their segmenting and blending – well done children.
Thinking about assessments, and in light of the government announcement this week, that their approach to the 2021 national curriculum assessments will focus on the most important summer assessments for schools, pupils and parents. I wanted to reassure all our parents that we will working hard to ensure our children make excellent progress by continuing to plan and develop our curriculum to allow everyone to achieve. It is important to us at Glenleigh Park that we make certain the children know more and remember more and we assure this through our high quality teaching and learning. Therefore, we will continue to work hard and support all the children to achieve to the best of their ability in all of their end of year assessments.
Finally, I wanted to say how pleased we are that so many of you have taken the opportunity to book your children into our sports clubs that start next term. These clubs will help the children to develop their teamwork and tactical techniques which we know are important life skills.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Pocock